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Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 23 | From Silos to Success

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 23 | From Silos to Success

New regulations, technological progress and disruptive markets are forcing companies to rapidly adapt their business models. Ideal conditions are crucial for a successful adaptation to market forces – to proactively drive transformation and marshal the full potential of an organization. Much too often areas of competence in large companies still work in isolation. The integration and coordination of central and operational functions pose immense challenges, and the value of employees is frequently underestimated. Key factors for a successful transformation are an overarching objective and an open dialogue culture, shaped by cross-functional collaboration and shared knowledge.

Interview | «We make sure that we step up our pace and not relax, simply because we cannot afford it»

Interview | «We make sure that we step up our pace and not relax, simply because we cannot afford it»

By Tjeerd Krumpelman with Solange Rouschop

As Chief Sustainability Officer at ABN AMRO, Solange Rouschop focuses on finding business opportunities that contribute to sustainable top-line growth and building an integrated sustainability model to create impact for the bank and for its stakeholders. What are her aspirations? How important is integrated thinking? And how supportive can reporting be, in Solange’s opinion?

Shared Leadership - Geteilte Verantwortung durch moderne Führung

Shared Leadership - Geteilte Verantwortung durch moderne Führung

Von Heike Bruch und Lena Rudolf

Die Arbeitswelt unterliegt tiefgreifenden Veränderungen, angetrieben von Megatrends wie Digitalisierung, Arbeitskräftemangel und Nachhaltigkeit, die Innovation auch in der Art der Zusammenarbeit erfordern. Um dies zu meistern, stehen Unternehmen vor der Herausforderung, sich in Richtung einer Netzwerkorganisation zu wandeln. Dabei erfordern Trends wie der Abbau von Hierarchien, die Förderung von Selbstorganisation und Verantwortungsübernahme ein Umdenken bezüglich der Führung.

Transforming Organizations Through Enhanced Corporate Reporting

Transforming Organizations Through Enhanced Corporate Reporting

By Sallie Pilot

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, addressing pressing challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss and equitable transitions demands a fundamental shift in societal mindsets and corporate conduct. Businesses, regardless of size or ownership, wield substantial influence over the world’s fabric – from individuals to environments – through their offerings, operations and ecological impact.

Dufry’s Travel Experience Revolution takes off

Dufry’s Travel Experience Revolution takes off

By Maurus Lienhard and Philipp Haumüller

In early July 2022, Dufry, the global travel retail player, announced a business combination with Autogrill, a global travel food & beverage (F&B) operator. The ambition of the business combination is to have a lasting impact on the travel retail & F&B industry by refining the experience for travellers, and create revenue and cost synergies for the newly combined Group. For a successful combination, announcing the leadership representatives of both companies as well as creating a “One Team/One Company” spirit were key first steps of the integration process.

Vom Silodenken zum integrierten Reporting

Vom Silodenken zum integrierten Reporting

Von Katharina Kukiolka, Andrea Lingk und Christoph Schmidt

Die ETH Zürich ist eine der führenden technischen Hochschulen der Welt. Sie ist dezentral organisiert und möchte die Vielfalt in der Einheit bewahren. Davon geprägt war auch die Weiterentwicklung der Berichterstattung. Sie war von der Evaluation bis zur Produktion breit abgestützt, was sich schon im Projektverlauf als entscheidender Erfolgsfaktor herausstellte. Das Ergebnis: ein integriertes, strategisches und digital getriebenes Reporting.

Grün und glaubwürdig: Stolperfalle Greenwashing im Transformationsprozess

Grün und glaubwürdig: Stolperfalle Greenwashing im Transformationsprozess

Von Ina Walthert

Nachhaltigkeit ist im Kerngeschäft von Unternehmen angekommen. Die Herausforderung besteht darin, den rege verwendeten Begriff mit Taten zu belegen. Unternehmen sind gefordert, die Schaffung von ökologischem und sozialem Mehrwert konsequent in die eigene Value Proposition zu integrieren. Echte Produktinnovation, Transformationsbereitschaft und eine gelungene Kommunikation sind die Essentials für ein glaubwürdiges (Nachhaltigkeits-)Image. Die AMAG Gruppe entwickelt nachhaltige Mobilitätslösungen. Eine herausfordernde Aufgabe auch für die Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation.

Meeting Extensive Sustainability Requirements with an Effective Strategy

Meeting Extensive Sustainability Requirements with an Effective Strategy

By Marco Märsmann and Alexandra Sauer

Over the last 15 years, Bell Food Group has evolved from a Swiss meat producer into a leading European food company. This brings increasing responsibility and leverage to drive the food system in a more sustainable direction. In addition, the company is subject to CSRD, VSOTR, OR 964, LKSG, SBTi and OECD, amongst others, each of which is backed by a system of disclosure requirements and governance guidance. How to react to this complex situation without losing sight of the own strategic goals?

Interview | Zusammenarbeit als Erfolgsfaktor

Interview | Zusammenarbeit als Erfolgsfaktor

Von Barbara Zäch mit Manuela Suter

Bucher Industries entwickelt und produziert Landmaschinen, Kommunalfahrzeuge, hydraulische Komponenten und elektrohydraulische Systeme, Produktionsanlagen für die Glasbehälterindustrie, Anlagen für die Herstellung von Getränken sowie Automatisierungslösungen. Der Konzern steht für Maschinen, Anlagen und Komponenten, die technologisch, wirtschaftlich und ökologisch überzeugen und sich auf die grundlegenden Bedürfnisse der Menschen ausrichten.

The Paradox of Transparency - Geschäftsberichte-Symposium 2023

The Paradox of Transparency - Geschäftsberichte-Symposium 2023

By Michael Düringer

The 14th Geschäftsberichte-Symposium took place on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute (GDI) in Rüschlikon. The Symposium’s timely focus on the latest regulatory requirements in sustainability reporting, along with top-notch keynote speakers, drew a record number of participants. Around 250 guests were on site, while a further 100 attendees joined online via livestream to learn about the latest developments and trends in corporate reporting.

Nachhaltigkeit bei Orell Füssli – Tradition, ergänzt durch systematische Transparenz

Nachhaltigkeit bei Orell Füssli – Tradition, ergänzt durch systematische Transparenz

Von Reto Janser und Bernd Kasemir

Seit mehr als 500 Jahren wird das Unternehmen Orell Füssli umsichtig und mit Blick auf Langfristigkeit geführt. Heute ist die Orell Füssli Gruppe ein Pionier in den Bereichen Sicherheit und Bildung. Bis vor Kurzem fehlte der Unternehmensgruppe eine systematische Grundlage zur Erfassung der nichtfinanziellen Leistung. Deshalb konnte diese Leistung nicht transparent kommuniziert werden. Inzwischen fand die Gruppe gemeinsam mit der Nachhaltigkeitsberatung Sustainserv innerhalb kurzer Zeit pragmatische Lösungen für die nichtfinanzielle Berichterstattung, die der Diversität und Komplexität der Geschäftsfelder Rechnung tragen.

Worse than Greenwashing? Greenwishing and Greenhushing

Worse than Greenwashing? Greenwishing and Greenhushing

By Renat Heuberger

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. As accusations of greenwashing have rocked the corporate climate space in recent years, we’re seeing a concerning reaction: greenhushing and greenwishing. Some companies are choosing to go quiet on their decarbonization efforts for fear of scrutiny. Others are making bold climate statements but with no verifiable plan of how to achieve them. In the face of the greatest threat humanity has faced, we simply cannot afford to hide what we are doing or make promises without measurable commitments.

Finfluencer: neue Intermediäre mit starker Wirkung

Finfluencer: neue Intermediäre mit starker Wirkung

Von Monika Kovarova-Simecek

Finfluencer erreichen auf Social Media Millionen Follower. Sie prägen den Diskurs zum Kapitalmarkt und beeinflussen die Haltung und das Verhalten vor allem jüngerer Generationen. Damit werden sie auch für Unternehmen zu relevanten Stakeholdern. Die FH St. Pölten untersuchte mit der Agentur Paradots den Einfluss von Finfluencern auf ihre Follower. Zusammen mit der Universität Leipzig und der HHL Leipzig beleuchten wir nun den Finfluencer-Markt.

Navigating the ESG Reporting Technology Landscape

Navigating the ESG Reporting Technology Landscape

By Alberto Zampella

Today’s business world is witnessing a transformative shift, driven by the escalating importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. stakeholders not only demand transparent insights into an organization’s strategies for environmental risk mitigation, social responsibility and governance practices, but they also keenly observe how businesses innovate and harness the opportunities presented by a shift towards a more sustainable economy.

ChatGPT: Disruption oder Hype für den Kapitalmarkt?

ChatGPT: Disruption oder Hype für den Kapitalmarkt?

Von Christoph Schlienkamp

Schon lange haben wir uns bei der DVFA mit der Frage beschäftigt, welchen Einfluss künstliche Intelligenz (KI) für die Investment Professionals haben wird. Heute zeigt sich, dass die KI einen erheblichen Einfluss auf den Finanzmarkt haben wird, da sie die Effizienz erhöhen und die Entscheidungsfindung beschleunigen dürfte. Analysten werden aber nicht verschwinden, Investoren werden zielgerichteter bedient werden können und der «schöne» Geschäftsbericht wird bleiben.

Point of View | Nachhaltigkeitsreporting - im Finanzbereich gut angesiedelt

Point of View | Nachhaltigkeitsreporting - im Finanzbereich gut angesiedelt

Von Klaus Hufschlag

Die Umsetzung der CSRD stellt viele Unternehmen vor grosse Herausforderungen. DHL Group hat gute Erfahrungen damit gemacht, das Nachhaltigkeitsreporting im Finanzbereich anzusiedeln: Kompetenzen und Infrastruktur, ein gutes Verständnis für Unternehmenssteuerung und – wichtig für die Einführung der EU-Standards zur Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung – Erfahrung im Umgang mit komplexen (Accounting-)Regelwerken bringen praktische Vorteile. Gleichzeitig werden traditionelle Aufgabenfelder im Finanzbereich erweitert und ESG-Themenverantwortliche entlastet – eine Win-win-Konstellation.

Sell-Side erhöht Anforderungen an Nachhaltigkeitsberichte

Sell-Side erhöht Anforderungen an Nachhaltigkeitsberichte

Von Gian Marco Werro

Als eines der führenden Sell-Side-Researchteams der Schweiz beurteilt die Zürcher Kantonalbank auch die Nachhaltigkeit von 140 kotierten Aktiengesellschaften. Unser ESG-Ansatz berücksichtigt quantitative und qualitative ESG-Faktoren. Dabei werden neben der aktuellen Situation auch ergriffene Massnahmen beurteilt. Doch welche Informationen benötigen Sell-Side-Analysten, um mit Nachhaltigkeitsberichten effizient arbeiten zu können?

7 Tips to get started with Double Materiality

7 Tips to get started with Double Materiality

By Steffen Rufenach

In July 2023, the European Commission introduced the first set of European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), mandating more than 50,000 companies to improve their sustainability reporting. One pivotal part of ESRS is the “double materiality” assessment, which requires companies to evaluate and report on how their business and value chain affects people and the environment (the “inside-out” perspective) and, conversely, how sustainability issues impact their business (the “outside-in” perspective).

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 22 | The Paradox of Transparency

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 22 | The Paradox of Transparency

Key stakeholder groups are calling for companies to provide increasingly detailed and wide-ranging information. But does more information always lead to a better understanding of a company, thus enabling stakeholders to make better decisions? Or does the information overload distract from the core issues? It is clear, with the ever-increasing density of regulation and the abundance of information, companies face ever-increasing challenges in reaching stakeholders with their core messages and value drivers. In terms of focusing on key issues – is not less yet more?

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 21 | Regulation offers Opportunities

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 21 | Regulation offers Opportunities

Given the current density of regulations, successfully managing a company is looking more and more like navigating a hurdle course. Business leaders often see regulation as a mere mandatory task and dismiss it as just a compliance exercise – but this is truly a wasted opportunity. If regulations are carefully analyzed in the context of strategy implementation and the underlying factors are proactively incorporated into a company's business model, strategic opportunities can arise. This is precisely why it makes sense for companies to apply a holistic view to regulatory issues and trends, in order to leverage them to better position the company in the market in future.

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 20 | Show Value, Build Trust

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 20 | Show Value, Build Trust

Stakeholders are calling for a dialogue that transcends financial considerations and addresses binding objectives. Companies are walking a tightrope with the conflicting demands of a broad range of requirements. How can they credibly assure that sustainable value is being created? How can they gain the trust of stakeholders? Internally, consensus on the added-value model and its risk-reward profile is essential. Externally, trust in reporting must be reinforced through continuity in communication as well as the fulfilment of promises regarding strategy, the added-value model and objectives.

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 19 | The Regulators Strike Back

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 19 | The Regulators Strike Back

Today’s challenges, such as climate change, need to be addressed by the community. All stakeholders have to contribute. To drive and accelerate change, regulators around the world have taken action to force companies to report on their short-, medium- and long-term impacts. In this way, regulators are enforcing consistent, transparent and comparable, relevant non-financial KPIs. This allows stakeholders to get a holistic picture of companies. It is in the companies’ own interest that all stakeholders work together constructively to find effective and efficient solutions.

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 18 | Navigating the Stakeholder Jungle

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 18 | Navigating the Stakeholder Jungle

Sustainability and digitalization are megatrends fundamentally transforming the society. Stakeholders challenge the focus on shareholders only. Objectives and a coherent strategy are key for a constructive dialog with stakeholders. Businesses are called upon to navigate the jungle of differing expectations. Management is accountable for integrating the interests of stakeholders in strategic planning. Digitalization enables companies to automatize processes and permanently monitor reporting, and it opens up new opportunities for data collection and data analysis.

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 17 | Risk, Reputation & Trust

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 17 | Risk, Reputation & Trust

Running a business always entails seizing opportunities and taking calculated risks. Stakeholders expect companies to recognize the impact of their business activities and manage it proactively. In a digital networked world missteps and lack of transparency lead to a loss of trust and reputation, since companies can be judged in real time across all channels. Trust and reputation form a solid foundation – in good times and bad.

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 16 | Impact - Nothing Else Matters

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 16 | Impact - Nothing Else Matters

Generating profits alone is not enough. Companies need to fully understand, manage and communicate the positive and negative impacts of their business activities in economic, ecological and social terms – as investors integrate ESG criteria into their investment decisions and regulatory bodies worldwide accelerate the push for sustainable economic development. Creating long-term value while incorporating a balance of stakeholder interests into the business model opens up future opportunities, helps identify risks early on and fosters innovation. Just who in the company needs to take on accountability for this: owners, boards of directors, management?

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 15 | Long-Term - The New Holy Grail?

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 15 | Long-Term - The New Holy Grail?

Legend describes the Holy Grail as a source of bliss, as a bearer of endless fulfilment and wealth – in short: as a solution to all problems. Is the declaration "long-term" the answer to all challenges in the world of leadership, strategy and reporting? Sustainable economic growth, sustainable value creation in the company and sustainable relationships with stakeholders: how can this long-term primacy be reconciled with an agile business environment in which a high degree of uncertainty prevails and quick decisions are required?

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 14 | Reporting Is Not Enough

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 14 | Reporting Is Not Enough

The 10th Geschäftsberichte-Symposium! Who would have thought it possible? An annual professional event has evolved into a membership-based center of excellence – the Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR). Let’s take a journey through the CCR universe – perhaps you remember a highlight here or there from ten years of knowledge and networking (p. 16 &17)? We look forward to raising a glass with you at the Anniversary Symposium!

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 13 | Reporting Robots and AI

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 13 | Reporting Robots and AI

Our cars drive autonomously and we telephone with chatbots without being aware of it. We read sports or weather news written by “thinking” machines. We consult a “robo-doctor” in case of illness and rely on his remote diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence (AI) penetrates all areas of life – faster than we think. Will we soon be displaced by a robot at our workplace? What does AI mean for reporting or the audit process and how is it used by investors who need to make investment decisions?

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 12 | Less Is More?

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 12 | Less Is More?

Is less really more? This issue addresses the conflicting concerns of growing complexity driven by constant new regulatory requirements and numerous stakeholder demands for evermore specific information, and the need to sharpen the focus on information that is material. What kind of concepts are able to meet these challenges? Issue no. 12 features the concepts, new approaches and technologies whose goal it is to deal with a reporting world steadily becoming more complex.

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 11 | Integrated Reporting Reality?

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 11 | Integrated Reporting Reality?

One of the world’s most influential investors, Warren Buffett, once said that he only considers investing in a company if it has an easy-to-understand business model. This clearly reflects an integrated thinking approach. Companies are becoming increasingly aware that reports with unconnected chapters, a strong focus on the past and only financial KPIs are no longer sufficient. They are veering toward Integrated Reporting and placing their business model at the core, while including material opportunities and risks in their strategic framework. Moreover, they are connecting material financial and non-financial information and addressing interrelatedness and dependencies. Typically, they are also focusing on long-term value creation. This issue will pick up many aspects that shape today’s Integrated Reporting.

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 10 | The Future of Reporting

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 10 | The Future of Reporting

The future starts now – this broad claim could not be any less true for corporate reporting. Report makers and shapers are already looking ahead as they are under intense scrutiny from their investors, customers, standard setters, national and supranational regulators, and NGOs. Technical innovations like digitalization, automatization, big data, and artificial intelligence, coupled with social developments related to individualization, purpose, sustainability consciousness, and global connectedness, pose challenges and yet open up opportunities for companies at the same time. Our celebratory issue No. 10 will try to offer relevant kick-starts for fruitful discussions on transparent, relevant, and meaningful future reporting.

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 9 | Die Stimme des Kapitalmarkts

Komplette Ausgabe | Issue No. 9 | Die Stimme des Kapitalmarkts

Die Berichterstattung von Unternehmen wird immer aufwändiger, komplexer, umfangreicher – aber auch relevanter? Online oder Print, integriert oder getrennt, finanziell oder nichtfinanziell, komprimiert oder umfassend – die Entscheidungen, die Unternehmen strategisch und konzeptionell zu treffen haben, sind nicht wenige. Die Frage jedoch ist: Was will der Kapitalmarkt als die wesentliche Zielgruppe der Unternehmensberichterstattung? Die Anforderungen von Analysten und Investoren gleichen einer Black Box – jedenfalls aus Unternehmenssicht. Die vorliegende Ausgabe von «The Reporting Times» will «Licht ins Dunkel» bringen.